Seneca Valley Swimming and Diving
We ask that you register so we can send you messages (emails/texts) regarding team events. To create an account, enter all of the fields below and click "Create Account". On the next page you will en...
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License Agreement
Children's Privacy Policy.
We ask that you register so we can send you messages (emails/texts) regarding team events. To create an account, enter all of the fields below and click "Create Account". On the next page you will enter your contact information (address, phone number, etc) and then click the "Continue" button. That is all you need to do. Any pages after that are requesting information for features we are not using at this time. At that point you can close the web browser since your account has been created. You will only need to login again if you want to change your contact information.
Our terms now include the
License Agreement
. By continuing to use our Services you agree to all terms.